Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Go Speed Racer, GO~!

~*13th May, Tuesday*~
At work, I've started building UI for me training module...just the interface no functions yet... since my reviewer is on leave & he hasn't confirmed my module's technical design yet...

Had a chat with an old friend since primary school...he's in England (Liverpool...Damn...my birthplace...) & he said he'll be back somewhere in June. Yay~! Can't wait to exchange profanities with the bugger...LOL

Picked up a friend from work (his car broke down)...decided to watch Speed Racer, so we called up some friends & invited them along...picked two of 'em...Went to Summit, bought the tickets...had a quick dinner (we got less than half an hour before the movie starts)

Saw the new trailers of Indiana Jones & Narnia...Can't wait for both of them...Narnia's coming out on Thurs this week...

Then Speed Racer began....At first, I doubt about the movie...thought it gonna suck real bad...boy, was I wrong~! I believe its the most colorful movie I've ever seen! From the very beginning of the movie until the end~! LOL! I think there's about a minimum of 7 colors/shades/tone of color in each screen...hahahaha...but it was really fun to watch...A very good attempt to make an "Anime" movie...really good~! hehe...

If anyone ask about my opinion about Speed Racer...All I can say is "that even the color blind could see colors~!"...hahahhaha

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