Sunday, October 26, 2008

girlfriend : whatever aadrian i hate u


11:59:14 girlfriend : whatever aadrian i hate u
12:03:51 me :
12:03:57 me : dat hurts

This was the first time she said she hates me. Well, she didn't actually said it...I was blogging and chatting with her on YM. Got really bored blogging and somewhat felt a bit claustrophobic at home. Wanted to go out...then a friend called, asked me out...I said yes...Told me girl I was going out, asked her to take care of herself (she has a flu & she's going on vacation next week...don't want her to have a holiday with that flu of hers, do I?) ...and she got really pissed...I said I'm sorry and I needed to go out and the next the above message.

As you can see...It took me a full 5 minutes to say something...I was...I dunno...confused? stunned? Never before did she say something like that...

Okay... 10 minutes have passed I have no idea what to say or what to write...I'm not mad or anything...I'm just feeling really depressed right now...I feel like I want to justify why I simply wanted to go out...I've got all these things in me head...just aching to pour out...It's nothing personal against my girlfriend...I swear...It's simply a cumulative of all the stress I'm facing right now and somehow I feel the need to pour it out. But then again...putting it on this post makes it look if she's the cause of it (which I hereby SWEAR it is NOT...if you think otherwise, that's your problem...not mine)...or I'm making excuses or reason to defend myself.

I just feel the need to pour it out at put all my cards down...telling someone straight what's been bothering me...okay, basically I just want to whine how bloody...bored? stressful? shitty? I dunno...It's none of that, but I just don't know the right word for it. And to tell you the truth, I don't feel like writing it down because I feel like CONFIDING it to in to TALK to someone about advice, no pity, no joking around, just shut up and listen to what I'm blathering about...I know that by writing it down its one way to reduce my stress levels...and probably I will write it down...but I just need to talk, you know? My social life is somewhat almost non-existent right now...

ah fuck it, I'm writing it down now! I need to release some steam!

Oh and to my girlfriend...I'm not mad at you or anything like that hun. I'm just currently stressed out and I need to let off some issues I've been having. and yes...I know it's my fault...It's been sometime since I let go me stress on me blog (yes yes, I know...I haven't been releasing me stress on me blog...I'll update it and be more quick on it) wuv u hun! *hugs & kisses*

Warning! From this point onwards I'll be rambling about me problems...It's a no-brainer...and yes I know there's probably millions out there who is in worse off shape than I am...but like I said, I'm letting off steam. Plus its my bloody blog, I can write whatever I want! So bugger off! If you're not interested, then don't read on! You have been warned!

Ok. Where should I start? So many bloody issues its all jumbled up in me head. I'll try to categorize it...(yes, I like to make it organize even when I want to blow off steam even though I know it WILL come out in a mess and won't make any sense...did I mention I was a worrier? <- see what I mean?) First order at hand...myself. Why da fuck are you not in shape??? Why am I not disciplined?? Why am I still in a mess? Why can't I keep my bloody room nice and neat? Why am I not working my ass off to be the person who I want to be? Why am I lazy? How do manage my time between my family, my girlfriend and my friends? How and when do I establish my own game company? Will it ever be achieved? Will I ever travel? Will I ever be free??? How do I get enough money to support my family? to finance my game company? to get married? Can I support my family when my mom retires in 5 or 6 more years from now? If so, do I have anymore to get married? When do I get to marry? Will I get married? Do I stay a bachelor and devote myself to me mum & sis? Where do I get that kind of money? Legally? Will I ever get that kind of money? Why can't I keep my blog updated? Do I write everything? Is it safe? Is it suicidal? Why can't I socialize as much I wanted? Why can't I say what I REALLY want to say? Why can't I explain or describe? Why do I stutter when someone who speaks better than me? Why do I have such low self-esteem or whatever you call it? How do I be confident? Can I marry her? Should I marry her? Should I look for the characteristics/attitude/behaviour of an ideal wife that some of me colleagues-who-seems-to-have-married-a-couple-times mention? Should I stay with me/her parents first? Should I rent a house? Should I buy a house? Can I buy a house? Can I buy a console? Xbox360? PS3? or wait for other consoles? should I buy a PC instead? Mac? Why do wake up late even though I sleep early? Can I actually make a game? What's the first game should I create? Why is can't I find a pair of socks that matches? Why am I worrying so much??? aaaaAAaaAAaAaaahhHHhhHhhh sheeet...I'm having a headache~


I can't stop thinking of the what's, the if's, the how's, the when's, etc....I know I need to think of solutions instead...but HOW???

some say just DO IT! but HOW??? do WHAT EXACTLY???

To my future self, you better be laughing your ass off reading this...I mean it!!! You better be thinking "haha...what a moron I was..." you better be the person who I dreamed to be...If you're not, go bang your head on the wall, get a lobotomy, and dye your hair blond, you stupid twit! WHY DA FUCK YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED???!!!!!!! IF YOU DID, WHY DID IT TAKE SO BLOODY LONG?? CAN'T YOU/ME/OR WHATEVER FUCK YOU ARE, CHANGE LIKE...NOW?!?!?!?

*sigh* I actually know/thought/ideas/whatever of how to solve SOME issues albeit somewhat~ but my body won't listen! (pfffttt...yeah right~ like its a totally seperate entity from yourself, you jackass?!)

when did it get so complicated? so overwhelming? man~ the difference/gap between the transition from one phase to the other is so~ HUGE! I mean...from kindergarten where you don't know jack shet...making friends like nobody's business, ask daddy or mommy you want this and that...

then in primary you start to get scolded for not doing your homework...getting pick on...learn about betrayals and trust...mommy or daddy can't suddenly give to your demands, a new term called 'money' is learned...

then came secondary school...things started to look complicated...can't simply be friends...can't simply play around that much...pressure of getting good results but didn't truly know or understand what the fuss is about...learned that money don't grow on trees...

then came college...different sort of teaching, different sort of workload...the sudden amount of freedom attained, unsure what to do with it...learning abit more about money...

then came the denial're on want to have fun, don't want to work...somewhere along the line, parents starts to nag at you to go find work, you can't waste your time like this, money is getting short...finally, you have to wake up and go job hunting...

Working phase: Responsibilities being dropped on your shoulders, you think where should you spend your money, you think where to get more, marriage, workload totally different than you expected, finally understanding the word 'rountine', finding your dream job, thinking of opening up your own business, totally different style of social life, less in touch with your friends, commitments, family, ...and so much more I haven't discovered...

the other phases? I can't say...but I can guess...

Unfortunately, I'm to tired...I don't think the list of problems will ever end...for anybody, as a matter of fact...
I just need to start to think of the solutions and ACT ON IT!

shet...I've been writing this from 2:04 AM till 4:30 to bed...Although I feel abit better writing it out...but it still won't solve any of my problems.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sweeping Boredom to Blogging


Woke up pretty late today~ had KFC for lunch with me sis...then sweeped the porch. Apparently me girlfriend saw me while she was entering Taipan...heh..

We waited for mum to come & sis were really bored...we discussed about when and which console to buy...we're both bored...nothing to do at home...nothing fun i mean...the desktop is now considered as stone age, no new games could be played on the darn thing and the surfing the net is really slow... the lappy...some fairly old games but we're getting really bored playing it over and over again...*sigh* money money

When mum came back, we went out to one of her friend's open house. Got lost for about an hour plus...third times a charm though...hehehe...Got back, had a short supper at our favorite mamak restaurant, Melor...head back home, played the piano abit...and here I am...blogging...let's see how much I can update me blog...still a long way to go though...approximately 3 months worth of

Friday, October 24, 2008

Motivational Verses of Love on Shisha



After work, met up with one of me old friend during Haj. I realized that we meet almost annually, funny..hehehe...but I do like to talk to him. He provides me with motivation. On how to find solutions not only for work, but also life. Everytime I meet him, he gives the boost that I need to light the fire in me. Thanks Haji Nashron.

After that, I rushed off to meet up with me girlfriend. We...I mean SHE had chicken chop...hehehe...then we talked about stuff mainly about movies that she recently watched; (malay movies) "Ayat-ayat cinta" and "I'm not single". It's nice to just sit & talk once in awhile ;p

Once I sent her home, I rushed off to meet up with me friends in SS15. Managed to talk crap & laugh about stuff for awhile before heading home.

It was a fun night. Got to meet with an old friend, have dinner & chat with my girlfriend and hang out with me fellow friends in a single night. Sweet~

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Small Open House


Went for aerobics (It's been awhile...hey, I've been fasting ok?). Then head over to the family's second rental apartment. It was in need of a new makeover before the new tenants arrived.

When we came back, we (including myself) spent 3 hours in the kitchen preparing for our small open house event. I just invited a few, just to meet up with them and see what have they been doing. I did the fries and the chicken (to my friends including my girlfriend, this is kinda of a shock...since I never actually learn how to cook) The fries weren't that fantastic, but I was proud with the chickens though :D

Anyways, after the 3 hour preparation...friends started pouring in...well...I invited a few, less than 20 actually...You can say I invited the "raya regulars" so to speak...hehehe...I know I know...I should've invited him and her and them and etc...but it's just me, me mum & me sis...previously we had a helper, but with one pair of hands short, it's kinda tough. Okay wait...that was a really lame excuse...since previously I rarely help during open house...We're not actually in the mood to do an open house...with granny passed away & all...This year's Raya wasn't that festive for me & me family. So to those not invited, my apologies...I promise, next'll be invited ;)

So I guess you're wondering why did we have an open house? It was me friend's idea...hehe...he wanted to come over with the "raya regulars" and talk about how is everyone like the old times you know? And I thought to myself...why not? I really would love to know how is everyone...

As it turns out, the "raya regulars" (plus minus a few) came over...we chatted quite awhile and it was really refreshing. I got to know what they've been up to...what they're planning to do...have they met or keep in contact with the others...anyone else gotten married...

At first, I got me ear blown off when I forgot to invite another over...sorry Ili...hehehe...then they had their take on our cooking...(Don't worry, I told them where the toilets were in case my cooking disagreed with them :P) After they had their fill, we had our chat session...

Then our dear family friends showed up and it got a bit more festive :) with everyone hogging over me mum's delicious cookies...( oh...that's the other ulterior motive why my friend wanted me to open )

Hopefully next time I'd be able to invite more to come over and have a more festive and cheerful raya celebration...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Still Not Enuff Time



It's 5.53 and I ONLY managed to do 3 posts so far...for some reason the starbucks wifi was so darn slow...wasted a lot of time waiting...fark.

Black Out Freedom



Damn... its been a really long time since I could write anything...So many things to do, yet so little time...I got my first break today...Black out at the office. This is the third black out so far...the first two lasted a minute or two...but this one was several hours...Everyone thought it'll be like the last time...after a few minutes, the boss announced everyone to have an early was around 11-ish. And so we did had our early lunch downstairs...went back up...still no power...My friend wanted to buy a pair of socks at Giant across the street of our off we went! Came back to the office (with a fresh new pair of socks for me friend) an hour later, still no power! So everyone waited, chatted among ourselves...some took turns playing the foosball at the lounge...Around 2, the boss decided for us to head back home... Yay!

Immediately went off to Summit to buy Ms Office (I mistakenly uninstalled it on me lappy the other day and realized I lost the CD after an hour or two rummaging the whole house...), bought a new black rubbery casing for me new (borrowed - hopefully will manage to tell you about it in a previous post...) handphone since the last two casings, plastic ones...keep getting into pieces when it goes into me jeans...

Got back home, look for last month's Streamyx bill, packed up the lappy and out I went. Paid the bills, went for a quick snack at Burger King and headed over to the Starbucks in Taipan. Ordered a Grande Expresso Frappuccino, set up me lappy and voila~ here I am :D

It's now 4.30pm and my goal right now is try to fill up the blanks in me blog from 5th of July until today!! Gulp! Wish me Luck! Here goes!

Oh, apologies are in order to my (future) self, who I know will be furious with himself for not being disciplined enough to make this a detailed diary of my activities in the past perfect! (Truly a fussy, Bloody Bastard Bugger that one~) and to my readers (if any) for not updating as often I would like... :P