Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Enter the Gate of No Gate...

Had to pick up a friend after work, he sent his car for repairs...Unfortunately, he had a last minute meeting...So I had to wait awhile...He's office is somewhere near Digital Mall...So I just wondered around there for an hour until he arrives...Had double IndoMee for my dinner...hahhaa...

We went to Summit and met up with another friend, and then we watched The Forbidden Kingdom. Not bad of a movie...Not bad of a movie...great kung-fu stuff...Come on man, Jackie Chan versus Jet Li? Storywise...not bad but could've been better...but just be prepared for intro...To me, its seems so damn cheap, like a B-rated movie or some sort. But as the movie progressed, it got better. Some really funny jokes though...Some were actually made to be funny, others...well...Just watch the movie okay? :)

Before the movie, they some really interesting trailers...The Incredible Hulk, a different Bruce Banner with a different story line...The Hulk himself looks fantastic! Better than the previous movie!

And my favourite...Indiana Jones! Woohoo! And it's still starring Harrison Ford! Thank god! He's the ONLY guy who can pull off as Indiana Jones (& Han Solo too!) ! Period!I was so thrilled when the theme song came up...but the intro of trailer didn't show his face...I was so scared and bummed out if it was someone else...Then there's the scene where he picks up his hat.... Oh yeah~! He's back! *whip crack* Yahooo~! Can't wait...Weeeee~!

Oh, you'll understand the Title once you've seen the The Forbidden Kingdom...You do realize that its TFK for short? LOL! XD

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