Monday, April 14, 2008

Out of Tune

~*12th April*~
In the morning, I had to send & pick up me sis from school. She had her Sports day and she won second place in 4x100 meters. Congratulations sis! Afterwards, we went to see me granny at the hospital.

In the evening, my sis went over to her friends house for a sleep over...So I had to tagged along with me mother for another UM dinner that night...very boring...There were some funny moments...but overall it was dull...Didn't know anyone at dinner... After dinner, a friend invited me to "lepak". Thought I could make it, but after still being stuck in KL for half an hour...I doubted it, so I told him perhaps another time...Sigh...That was one hell of a boring night...

~*13th April*~
Went to pick up me sis in the morning, had a meet up with some of me friends...Then we went to a cybercafe to have some fun...about another 4 joined us, total of around 9 or 10 it was a blast...hehehehe...
That night for some reason I wanted to play the piano again...I downloaded a new piano score sheet entitled "Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainwright from the movie Shrek? I was so engrossed into playing that song...I played almost about 2 hours...But it's a pity the piano is out of tune...wonder if I should maintain the thing? Would I play that often? Or just for kicks?

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